TODS Eligibility Criteria Descriptions


To be eligible for tourism signing, a tourist activity must comply with the following General Criteria.

  • The operation must serve transient customers and be open to the general public.
  • The operation must comply with all applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal Legislation.
  • The operation must be accessible by a road open to traffic.
  • The operation must be open to the public at least 12 consecutive weeks per year, unless otherwise specified in the Specific Criteria for that type of operation.
  • The operation must be open at least five days a week during its operating season (unless specified otherwise in the Specific Criteria), on advertised set days and times.
  • The operation must have a reception structure – a controlled gate, staffed reception and orientation point, or permanent interpretation panels or displays.
  • The operation must be within 40 kilometers of the intersection of the provincial roadway, except that where sign space is not required for nearer operations, more distant operations can be signed.

  • Area Profile Signing

    King’s Highways - Special high-graphics board with optional programmable information or icon tab. Offset to fence line.

    Freeways - Special high-graphics board with optional programmable information or icon tab. Offset to fence line.

    To be eligible for signing as an area profile sign, the operation must:

    • identify a single sponsor responsible for the sign
    • show that the sponsor has drafted a current and comprehensive tourism marketing strategy that considers Destination Ontario market research and regional (i.e., RTOs) marketing priorities.
    • demonstrate that the sign supports existing/established marketing priorities of the region
    • demonstrate that the application is based on cooperative efforts of local/regional tourism authorities and represents consensus of same (while RTO participation is not a requirement, MTCS strongly encourages applicants to consider opportunities for collaboration.)
    • demonstrate involvement of (and endorsement by) local MTCS staff


    • have a set of cultural, physical, and social characteristics that create a sense of regional identity
    • contain an adequate tourism infrastructure to support tourism development (including all utilities, roads, business services, and other social services necessary to support tourism businesses and to cater to tourists’ needs)
    • be larger than just one community or attraction
    • contain existing attractions, or have the potential to support the development of sufficient attractions to draw tourists

    Note: Static tabs (panel) will be permitted to feature a destination’s corresponding RTO name or logo below the Area Profile Sign.

    Two additional Area Profile Signs, 1 in each direction, will be permitted where space permits to provide a total of 2 English signs and 2 French signs. This will be permitted across the province, both in and outside of French Language designated areas.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Bicycle Rental Operations

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a bicycle rental operation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer day rental of non-motorized bicycles
    • have service that is available at all times the operation is open to the public
    • offer adequate off-road parking; and
    • have adequate equipment to serve transient customers

    Note: The location signed will be the point at which the motorist parks to gain access to the rental office.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Boat Cruises

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as boat cruises, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer day or part-day cruises
    • have a cruise schedule that is offered for booking by transient customers every day the operation is open, at the advertised set days and times
    • have adequate equipment to serve transient customers; and
    • be at or adjacent to the docking facility at which the cruise boards passengers

    Note: The location signed will be the point at which the motorist parks to gain access to the boat launch. Operations renting self-piloted craft will be signed under the section "Boat Rentals and Charters".

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Boat Rentals and Charters

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes providers of: rafting, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, motorboats, houseboats, rowboats, and windsurfing equipment and guided expeditions.

    To be eligible for signing as boat rental and charter, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer day rental services for motorboats, rafts, pedal boats, sailboats, windsurfing craft, kayaks, stand up paddle boards, canoes, or rowboats to the general public
    • have service that is available at all times the operation is open to the public
    • have adequate equipment to serve transient customers; and
    • be on or adjacent to a public beach or boat launch facility, as required to operate the craft rented

    Note: The location signed will be the point at which the motorist parks to gain access to the boat launch

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Campgrounds

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a campground, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • make available for booking by the transient public either 10% of its camping sites, or a minimum of 10 spaces, whichever is larger
    • include both tent and trailer sites among the sites available to the transient public
    • have an entrance controlling admission to the site; and
    • supply sanitary facilities, drinking water, and picnic tables or equivalent
    • for a Custom Logo/Icon the campground must meet the required attendance to qualify as a major attraction

    Note: For signing purposes, each location will be treated as a separate operation. An operator may not cumulate spaces in 3 different campground locations to reach the minimum # of transient sites required and cannot cumulate those sites to gain eligibility as a tourist cluster.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details

  • Casinos

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a casino, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a permanent, fixed-location casino recognized by the Province, that is either
      • a commercial casino under the Ontario Casino Commission Act, or
      • A permanent charitable casino under the Ontario Gaming Control Act

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Conservation Areas

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a conservation area, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a Conservation Area managed by a Conservation Authority established under the Conservation Authorities Act
    • be listed as a "Major Conservation Area" in the "Conservation Areas Directory" published by the Association of Conservation Areas of Ontario (ACOA); and
    • be open to the public on a regular basis for advertised recreational activities and/or public programs

    Note: Conservation Areas that are leased out to private operators to be operated as campgrounds, or whose only public activity is camping must be signed not as Conservation Areas but as campgrounds (if they qualify under the appropriate criteria).

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Convention Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a convention centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a standalone facility whose primary business is provision of temporary meeting and display facilities for conferences, congresses, trade shows, and related meetings
    • Not be operated as part of, or jointly with, another business such as a hotel or resort, and
    • Not be operated as part of a municipal or educational facility, such as a high school, college, or university; or as part of a sports/recreation/civic auditorium complex; or as part of a retail complex

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Cultural Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a cultural centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • is open to the public at least 8 consecutive weeks per year
    • offer cultural activities to the public at all times the operation is open to the public, including at least two of:
      • art, artifact or historical displays relating to the Centre's central mandate, which must include interpretive panels or audio-visual information material;
      • live cultural, dramatic or dance performances
      • hands-on art or craft activities
    • have all public programs available to the transient public, and do not require pre-booking
    • the centre's primary purpose is not retail sales, auditorium/theatre rentals, or live theatre, musical performances

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Cycling Trail Access Points

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a cycling trail access point, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • is open to the public at least 8 consecutive weeks per year
    • must offer a road access point to a minimum of 10 km of off-road cycling trail
    • if unstaffed, a trailhead or detailed interpretive material and signage must be available on site. This must include the location, distance, and major features of the site as well as all pertinent safety information.
    • the trail must be maintained by a provincial, regional, local or not for profit organization or a municipal, provincial, or federal government
    • adequate off-road parking must be available at the signed access point

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Destination Accommodation

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes: all accommodations of any type that are "destination accommodation" where the reason for the trip is based on the recreational and leisure facilities and services offered on-site; and are located in a rural, non-urban or small village environment, usually by a lake or river.

    To be eligible for signing as a destination accommodation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • qualify for signing as a transient accommodation property (must have capacity for a minimum of 4 guests)
    • offer onsite food services or preparation facilities
    • be located in a rural or non-urban environment, usually by a lake or river
    • offer a minimum of three recreational activities or programs onsite daily, that is, on all days operation is open:
      • At least 2 of these programs must be outdoor activities (such as: skiing, golf, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, racquet sports, horseback riding, or snowmobiling on trails accessed directly from the operation's property); one of the three activities may be a major indoor activity (e.g. organized children's program, racquet sports); and equipment required for these activities must be available onsite.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Duty Free Shops

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a duty free shop, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be licensed under the authority of Duty Free Shop Regulations SOR/86-1072 as amended, made under the Customs Act, R.S., 1985, c.1 (2nd Supp.)

    Note: Duty Free Shops in airport terminals do not qualify for TODS signs.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Farm-Based Tourist Attractions

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a farm-based tourist attraction, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • have a valid Farm Business Registration Number obtained under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993
    • have adequate off-road parking for customers
    • at any given time, provide a minimum of 5 value-added activities for tourist from the following list, on an advertised basis; of these activities, at least 3 must be available for at least 12 operating weeks per year:
      • guided interpretative tours, on advertised days and set times
      • permanent interpretive panels, displays and/or audiovisual documentation
      • wagon rides, hay rides, or sleigh rides
      • a children’s playground
      • one or more festivals with hands-on activities for children
      • straw or corn maze
      • petting barn
      • pony or animal rides
      • fishing pond
      • food and beverage service
      • a minimum of 3 pick-your-own crops

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Farmers' Markets

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a farmers' market, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a market devoted to the sale of local and Ontario produce and other foodstuffs
    • set a minimum level of local products and local producers to be sold on the premises
    • be open at least one day per week in its open season
    • have a permanent facility
    • have a facility dedicated to the market which has 5,000 square feet of floor space or more

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Federal Parks

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a federal park, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be open for public use
    • be operated as a National Park by the Federal Government under the National Parks Act and relevant regulation.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Fishing/Hunting Lodges and Outpost Camps

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a fishing lodge/outpost camp, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • qualify for signing as a destination or transient accommodation, campground, or outfitter as appropriate
    • provide a variety of supplies, equipment and services necessary to support wilderness/outdoor excursions to public
    • where an outpost camp is normally reached by air or water transport starting from a permanent, regular access point that is reachable by motor traffic, then that access point is the location that must be signed; and
    • this permanent access point must have adequate off-road parking

    Note: Signing is also available for tourist-oriented air services, marinas and boat launches; see under "Boat Rental and Charters", "Flying Operations", and "Marinas".

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Flying Operations (Tourist-Oriented)

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Seaplane Bases, Plane / Helicopter Rides, Gliding / Parasail and Parachuting

    To be eligible for signing as a flying operation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a "sea plane base" offering a float or sea plane charter operation; and
    • provide docking facilities, aviation fuel, and aircraft at the site


    • be a tourist-oriented charter operation offering rides in float planes, sea planes, helicopters, lighter-than-airplanes, parasails, or hot-air balloons
    • offered guided, chartered or rental tourist flights on a regular, advertised schedule; and
    • Serve transient customers

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Go-Kart Tracks

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a go-kart track, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • have a current, valid license to operate go-kart equipment from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services or its successor Safety Organization
    • offer publicly accessible, advertised events on at least 5 days of each week in its operating season

    Note: Tracks that do not qualify by these rules may still be eligible for Special Event signing.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Golf Courses

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a golf course, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer a minimum of 9 holes of regulation golf
    • be open to the general public at least 6 days per week during its advertised operating season
    • have a pro shop/rental shop which offers on-site equipment rental
    • have a base for operations such as a lodge or office building or ticket booth; and
    • provide public restrooms

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Heritage (Conservation) Districts

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a heritage district, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a Heritage Conservation District legally designated as such under provincial law, whose designation has been authorized by the Ontario Municipal Board

    Note: It is understood that multiple entry points to the larger Heritage (Conservation) Districts may be signed, subject to availability of space and any competing claims to signage from other operations. The priorities to be assigned in such cases remain to be developed.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Historical or Archaeological Sites and Structures (Provincial)

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a historic or archaeological site, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • qualify as a Themed Tourist Attraction
    • be a building, archaeological site, or other site/structure of provincial historical significance owned and managed by a provincial government ministry or agency

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Historical Sites (Federal)

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a historical site, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • qualify as a Themed Tourist Attraction; and
    • be either:
      • a National Historic Site (NHS) designated under the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board Act and subject to relevant regulations under the National Parks Act,
    • OR
      • a canal site operated under federal legislation governing Heritage Canals

    Note: Each motorist access point to large-scale sites (e.g. separate developed lock sites accessible to motorists along the Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway) will be treated as a separate attraction for the purpose of provincial highway signing.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Horse Racetracks

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a horse racetrack, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a permanent racetrack supervised by the Ontario Racing Commission under the Racing Commission Act; and
    • offer publicly accessible, advertised events on at least five days of each week in its operating season

    Note: Tracks that do not qualify by these rules may still be eligible for Special Event signing under MTO's regular guide signing policies.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Interpretation Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Include public programmes in Industrial plants & factories, Specialty food/beverage producers (including wineries, breweries, sugarbushes, etc.) Nature & wildlife education and interpretation centres.

    To be eligible for signing as an interpretation centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • provide an educational or interpretive program accessible to transient tourists, to increase their awareness in the industrial, scientific, environmental, agricultural or cultural fields
    • offer guided tours at least 5 days a week in the operation's season, on advertised days and times, and/or provide permanent interpretive panels or audio-visual documentation accessible on all days the operation is open to the public
    Where interpretation is not the main function of the operation sponsoring the program - for example, public programming in a factory or a nature/wildlife/forest reserve- the interpretation program must have:
    • a dedicated space for interpretative displays and public programming
    • staff must be hired specifically to welcome visitors and to run the interpretation program
    • a letter from the operation describing how they qualify as an interpretation centre must accompany contract application

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Interpretive Craft Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes centres for: pottery, glassblowing, weaving, furniture making, other handicraft centres...if they offer public programs / interpretation

    To be eligible for signing as an interpretive craft centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a craft operation that produces hand-made art or craft objects on-site
    • offer guided tours and/or demonstrations of the production of these objects, involving the artists/craftspeople
    • have public programs that are available at least 5 days a week throughout their operating season, at advertised times, on all days the operation is open to the public
    • have interpretation activities and demonstrations which available to transient visitors, not exclusively to pre-booked clients or groups.

    Where interpretation is not the main function of the operation (for example, at an industrial site or commercial business), its public program must have adequate space to run its program.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Marinas

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a marina, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • maintain at least 10 spaces for rental to the transient public
    • offer marina fuel facilities
    • offer docking facilities, including a boat launching ramp
    • offer fresh/potable water
    • provide sanitary disposal facilities, either on-site or immediately adjacent to site

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Motor Speedways

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a motor speedway, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be sanctioned by the Autorites Sportives Nationales (ASN) Canada as a motor speedway meeting ASN's minimum standards for speedway activities and facilities
    • have its public events licensed by the Canadian Automobile Sport Clubs (Ontario Region); and
    • offer publicly accessible, advertised events on at least one day of each week in its operating season

    Note: Tracks that do not qualify by these rules may still be eligible for Special Event signing.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Motorized Use Trail Access Points

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a motorized trail access point, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a road access point to a public snowmobile, ATV, and/or ORV trail
    • the trail must be maintained by a provincial, regional, local or not for profit organization (e.g., OFSC) or a municipal, provincial, or federal government
    • have adequate off-road parking and a staging area must be available at the signed access point

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Museums

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a museum, the operation must:

    • meet general criteria
    • meet criteria for signing as a Themed Attraction
    • offer ongoing public programs, including exhibits, at its main facility
    • be a not-for-profit operation - that is, must not be of a primarily retail nature, and not be an art gallery, a heritage centre, a library, or archives
    • be a “year round museum” that is open to the public for at least 1,080 hours and 180 days in a year, and at least 20 days in each of 8 months of the year; or is a “seasonal museum” that is open to the public for at least 360 hours and 60 days a year
    • either receives, or an eligible applicant in the Community Museum Operating Grant offered through the Ministry of Culture, or its successors. The manager responsible for the Ministry’s museum support program must confirm in writing that the operation is qualified.

    Note: Only operations meeting the above criteria will be signed with the "M" icon. All other operations with the title "museum" must seek signs under one of the other criteria in this system.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Natural Sites and Trails

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a natural site and trail, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a developed natural site (such as a cave, waterfall, geological formation, nature viewing site, or developed walking trail)
    • be accessible to the public at all hours the site is advertised as open
    • the trail must be owned, managed, and/or maintained by a provincial, regional, local or not for profit organization or municipal, provincial, or federal government
    • if unstaffed, a trailhead or detailed interpretive material and signage must be available on site. This must include the location, distance, and major features of the site as well as all pertinent safety information.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Outfitters

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes: Angling, Hunting, Camping

    To be eligible for signing as an outfitter, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be accessible to the motoring public
    • be situated in a rural environment adjacent to some type of recreational area such as a lake/beach, river, fishing and hunting area, or skiing area; and
    • be an outfitter furnishing equipment, supplies, and/or services to customers in connection with angling, hunting, or camping

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Performance Theatres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Live performance theatres (drama / dance)

    To be eligible for signing as a performance theatre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a permanent performance facility
    • have live theatrical or dance performances that are offered to the general public at the facility at least 5 days per week during the operation's operating season

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Provincial Parks

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a provincial park, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be open to the transient public
    • be operated as a Provincial Park by the Ministry of Nature Resources/Ontario Parks, the St Lawrence Parks Commission, or the Niagara Parks Commission; and
    • not be leased out in its entirety to private-sector operator(s)

    Note: Provincial Park areas that are leased out to private operators (normally to be operated as campgrounds) will not be signed as provincial parks. They must be signed, if they qualify, as campgrounds under the appropriate criteria.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Public Archives

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a public archive, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a public archival facility with a permanent collection of original archival materials in any medium, available to the public for research
    • have this collection open to the transient public on an advertised basis, at set days and times; and
    • does not fall within the category of public library, museum, art gallery, or interpretive centre

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Public Art Galleries

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes: Public Art Galleries, Sculpture Parks, Development Outdoor Mural Sites.

    To be eligible for signing as a public art gallery, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a permanent facility
    • the facility's primary purpose is the public exhibition, rather than retail sale, of works of art
    • the facility houses a permanent art collection, part of which is on display at all times the operation is open to the public;
    • where the facility consists of an outdoor mural display, the murals are permanent objects that are accessible to the general public at all times.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Public Beaches

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a public beach, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • make available to visitors public washrooms and hand-washing facilities, and change-rooms
    • provide an area for outdoor swimming in a body of water
    • provide a recreational sand beach at least 1 kilometre in length available to the general public; and
    • offer parking

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Recreational Scuba Diving Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a recreational scuba diving centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer day rental services for recreational scuba gear and craft required to reach local recreational diving sites
    • offer detailed information on local recreational diving sites, and/or guided recreational dives
    • have service available at all times the operation is open to the public
    • have adequate equipment to serve transient customers

    Note: The location signed will be the point at which the motorist parks to gain access to the rental service.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Regional Travel Information Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a regional travel information centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • in an establishment whose primary function is providing travel counseling and trip planning information about Ontario, the region and local areas
    • displays, distributes and supplies adequate travel information publications for Ontario, the region and local area
    • has the capacity to provide services in both official languages with designated areas as identified by the French Language Services Act
    • be equipped with suitable counter or desk, computer with Internet access, means to properly display tourism literature, and telephone access to respond to visitor inquiries and emergencies
    • be within 5 Kilometers of the intersection of the Provincial Highway
    • be open a minimum of 8 hours a day, 7 days per week, during its season
    • have adequate guest parking on-site
    • where the travel information centre is located in premises used for other purposes, the centre must be physically separate and apart from the business and activities offered within the complex housing the travel information services
    • provides access to restroom facilities during hours of operation
    • be well maintained in a clean and orderly condition

    Note: Province of Ontario publications must be provided free of charge to the public.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Riding Operations

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    Includes Trail Ride Operations, and Livery Stables

    To be eligible for signing as a riding operation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer day livery services
    • have service available at all times the operation is open to the public and is not available exclusively by advance booking
    • offer adequate off-road parking for transient customers
    • have adequate supply to serve transient customers; and
    • offer direct access to trails from the operation's main reception and operating site

    Note: The location signed will be the point at which the motorist parks to arrange for ride, which must be the same as the rider's point of departure.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Rural Downtowns

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a rural downtown, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a not-for-profit organization
    • provide a motion approved by the municipal council in the municipality in which the sign is to be located that supports the application for signage
    • have a population of less than 20,000
    • retailers must be concentrated within a 'retail district' or reasonable defined geography (e.g. on a main street)
    • retail district has at least 25 retailers within at least 4 sectors within the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) from the following list:
      • Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores (NAICS 442)
      • Electronics and Appliance Stores (NAICS 443)
      • Food and Beverage Stores (NAICS 445)
      • Health and Personal Care Stores (NAICS 446)
      • Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores (NAICS 448)
      • Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores (NAICS 451)
      • General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452)
      • Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 453)
      • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (NAICS 71)
      • Accommodation and Food Services (NAICS 72)
    • can demonstrate rural downtown has an ‘identity’ based on the presence of built architectural or heritage features, cultural landscapes, the presence of historical associations, the promotion of local traditions and or traditional crafts, other tangible historic or cultural assets that create a sense of place
    • can demonstrate rural downtown fosters and promotes its unique characteristics, heritage or cultural identity
    Note: Downtowns with newer, low density, automobile-oriented commercial developments, strip malls shopping centres or covered shopping malls will not be eligible. In rural downtowns with a population of less than 2,000, an exception may be permitted to the 25 retailers requirement, providing the retail district has a minimum of 15 retailers within at least 4 of the identified sectors and that all the other operations specific criteria has been met. Requests for this exception will be referred to the Ministries’ TODS-Logo Joint Committee for decision.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Ski Operations (Alpine or Downhill)

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a ski operation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer a minimum of 3 groomed downhill ski runs
    • have its ski tow equipment comply with relevant federal and provincial safety standards legislation
    • offer on-site ski equipment rental
    • offer adequate off-road parking for transient customers
    • offer first aid, washrooms, and drinking water on-site; and
    • offer food service, on-site or immediately adjacent to the site

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Spas

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a spa, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • have a Registered Massage Therapist licensed to practice in Ontario as an employee or under contract
    • Operate under the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario Standards of Practice
    • provide a minimum of 3 massage treatments performed by a certified Massage Therapist from the following list:
      • therapeutic massage
      • sports massage
      • pregnancy massage
      • Swedish massage
      • deep-tissue massage
      • neuromuscular massage
    • provide a minimum of 2 treatments of alternative massage from the following list:
      • aromatherapy massage
      • lymph drainage massage
      • shiatsu
      • Thai massage
      • hot stone massage
      • four hand massage
      • lomi lomi massage
      • reiki
      • reflexology
      • relaxation massage
    • provide a minimum of 3 skin care services from the following list:
      • facials
      • back facials
      • lymphatic drainage facials
      • eye treatments
      • microdermabrasion
      • photofacials
      • manicure
      • pedicure
      • paraffin treatments for hands and/or feet
    • provide a minimum of 3 body treatments from the following list:
      • algaes (seaweed wraps)
      • peloids (Moor mud, Dead Sea mud, etc.)
      • herbal wraps
      • body polishes
      • parafango wraps
    • offer a minimum of 3 private treatment rooms designated for the sole purpose of providing spa treatments
    • have at least one piece of professional hydrotherapy equipment from the following list that is used in the performance of an appropriate body treatment:
      • one person whirlpool bath with water or air jets
      • Swiss shower
      • hydrotherapy tub with controllable water jets
      • hydrofusion chamber
      • Vichy shower with suitable treatment table
      • colour therapy whirlpool bath
    • make available to clients a lounge, showers, dressing rooms, public washrooms and hand-washing facilities
    • have at least one of the following:
      • a person or persons on-site during all normal daytime business hours, able to receive and inform prospective drop-in customers or
      • a permanent telephone answering machine which offers information about room availability and allows callers to record messages or
      • a sign on premises, readily visible to visitors, indicating hours at which the property is accessible to guests for the day in question
    • Include all treatments offered in all printed materials, spa menus, brochures and electronic media.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Sport Parks and Leisure Centres

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a sport park and leisure centre, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • offer at least 3 different sports and recreation activities from the following list:
      • Regulation golf course
      • Par 3 golf course
      • mini-golf/mini-putt
      • driving range
      • full size swimming pool
      • ice skating rink
      • roller skating rink
      • baseball field
      • football field
      • batting cages
      • groomed running path
      • groomed cross country ski trails at least 1 km in length
    • have an adequate supply of rental equipment for each activity to serve transient customers
    • if it offers outdoor activities, these activities must be available to the general public at least 12 consecutive weeks per year, and on all days the operation is open
    • if it offers indoor activities, these must be available to the transient public at all times the operation is open; and
    • have public washrooms

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Themed Tourist Attractions and Themed Parks

    Includes: theme parks, all themed attractions that do not fit into any other special sign category.

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a themed tourist attraction and themed park, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be an establishment whose primary function is satisfying tourist needs by providing recreational, educational, cultural, scientific, environmental or entertainment-related activities to transient tourists
    • have at the site, the sale of merchandise or services is absent or is restricted to the sale of souvenirs and/or food and beverage service
    • provide adequate off-road parking at the site; and
    • not fall into one of the specialized signable attraction categories

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Tourist Clusters

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to sites, as specified in NOTE below.

    NOTE: Only the official cluster name must appear on signs, except at the turnoff point to a member's site. At each turnoff point to a member's site, the TODS sign or marker may use the individual member's operation name.

    To be eligible for signing as a tourist cluster, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a set of three or more tourist accommodations or attractions, of the same or of different types, within a limited geographical area and along a single road system, that can be signed as a single entity
    • the operations must each qualify for signing individually as a tourist accommodation or tourist attraction
    • they have banded together to promote the group under one common name in a coordinated manner, and can show evidence of common promotion
    • the signage will be the same size and cost as would be accorded to a single eligible operation
    • where attendance is a deciding factor (e.g. where sign space is limited or where a major attraction sign is wanted), the cluster's attendance shall be the sum of the attendance figures for all operations in the group
    • one operation must be designated as the cluster's representative for signing purposes, and will be responsible for all dealings with and payments to the Company

    Note: Only those members of the cluster which are eligible for signing as a stand-alone individual tourist operation may receive signs on provincial roads. Operations not eligible individually for tourism signing, but which participate in the marketing program of the cluster, should investigate the possibility of obtaining field advertising signs harmonized with the cluster signs.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Tourist Designated Outlet Malls

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a Tourist Designated Outlet Mall, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be an establishment whose primary function is satisfying tourist needs by providing a shopping experience that includes Outlet Malls with a minimum of 50 stores
    • have an annual visitor count over 500,000
    • have at the site; food services, and restroom facilities
    • provide adequate off-road parking, including designated motor coach parking on site
    • can demonstrate that 50% or more of their customers live outside the immediate area (over 40 km one way from the traveler’s home)
    • The facility has designated staff that market to customers over 40 km from the location

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Tourist Routes

    King’s Highways - TODS signing and reassurance markers as required, including (see note)

    Freeways - TODS signing and reassurance markers as required, including (see note)

    NOTE: Access signs (leading to route), Terminal signs (at start & end), Reassurance signs, Decision point signs, incl. signs to spur routes, and Attraction signs to eligible stopping points.

    To be eligible for signing as a tourist route, the applicant must:

    • be a tourist route approved under Ministry of Tourism procedures
    • the route must designate an organization or operation as the route's representative for signing purposes, which will be responsible for all dealings and payments to the Company
    • the operations signed on the provincial right of way as stopping points along the route must be eligible individually for signing as a tourist accommodations/attractions in their own right
    • the operations signed (as stopping points) must agree in writing to be signed as route members

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Transient Accommodation

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Not included as part of the tourism signing system.

    Transient Accommodations are establishments providing transient accommodation, that is, accommodation where the reason for the trip is something other than staying at the property itself

    To be eligible for signing as a transient accommodation, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • have a capacity for a minimum of 4 guests
    • have at least one of the following:
      • A person or persons on-site during all normal daytime business hours, able to receive and inform prospective drop-in customers; or
      • A permanent telephone answering machine which offers information about room availability and allows callers to record messages; or
      • A sign on premises, readily visible to visitors, indicating availability of rooms and hours at which the property is accessible to guests for the day in question
    • have adequate guest parking on site;
    • be open to the general public for a minimum of 16 weeks per year; and
    • be open 7 days per week during its season

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Water Theme Parks

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a water theme park, the operation must:

    • meet criteria for Theme Parks and Themed Attractions;
    • have at least 1 water slide greater than 30 metres in length; and
    • offer a minimum of 5 water related activities

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Water Trail Access Points

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a water trail access point, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • must offer a road access point to a minimum of 5 km non-motorized water trails (e.g., canoeing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding)
    • if unstaffed, a trailhead or detailed interpretive material and signage must be available on site. This must include the location, distance, and major features of the site as well as all pertinent safety information
    • the trail must be maintained by a provincial, regional, local or not for profit organization or a municipal, provincial, or federal government
    • adequate off-road parking must be available at the signed access point

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Winter Recreational Trail Access Points

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a non-motorized winter trail access point, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • must offer an access point to a minimum of 10 km non-motorized winter trails (e.g., nordic or cross-country skiing or snowshoeing) either from the operation’s main reception point or road access.
    • if unstaffed, a trailhead or detailed interpretive material and signage must be available on site. This must include the location, distance, and major features of the site as well as all pertinent safety information.
    • adequate off-road parking must be available at the signed access point

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.

  • Zoos and Animal Displays

    King’s Highways - Full TODS signing beginning on nearest King’s highway.

    Freeways - Full TODS signing on Freeway with TODS trailblazing to site.

    To be eligible for signing as a zoo and animal display, the operation must:

    • meet basic criteria
    • be a zoological garden/park, aquarium, petting zoo, petting farm, aviary, bird sanctuary, animal conservation centre, or other public animal exhibit whose primary activity is wildlife conservation and/or the public display of animals
    • have a permanent location; and
    • have all required licenses and permits, and has no outstanding orders or charges under all relevant legislation and regulations concerning the keeping of animals in captivity, for exhibition or entertainment, including the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and (where these exist) Applicable municipal bylaws

    Note: In the event that an operation fails to comply with the above eligibility criteria during the term of their contract, the operation will be responsible for any costs incurred by the Contractor for the removal and/or subsequent re-installation of TODS.

    Bilingual signing is available. Please ask your Field Account Manager for details.